· 1 min read Posted by olin
Touchlab goes bowling!

At Touchlab, we work pretty hard to deliver high quality Android apps. Whether it’s researching new APIs, debating best practices, or headbutting the wall because of complex bugs, our developers spend a great deal of time concentrating and perfecting their code. So when holidays come around, it’s important that we all unwind, relax and get rejuvenated for the new year. This year, we went bowling at Frames NYC after a hearty Italian dinner at Daniela’s Trattoria near Times Square.
We ordered four of these…
At dinner we exchanged our Secret Santa gifts, a yearly team tradition. Notable gifts were kickboxing gloves, a mini-ukelele, and a GoPro storage drive (presented in a Victoria’s Secret bag, of course).
After dinner, we walked together in a self-induced food coma to Frames for bowling and more drinks. We of course hit up the arcade first to warm up, and Jeff and Kevin took down a few terminators for the safety of mankind. As for bowling, our scores were disappointing but ah well. We can’t be good at everything, so we’ll stick to code and Android apps. 😉
Happy holidays from the Touchlab team – here’s to 2015!