Mar 11, 2025 · Gustavo Fão ValvassoriFastlane in Kotlin Multiplatform projectsFastlane is a great tool for automating your mobile app tasks. In this post, we will show how to use Fastlane in a Kotlin Multiplatform project.Read (6 min) ->
Feb 4, 2025 · Kevin SchildhornKMMBridge 1.2.1 ReleasedKMMBridge is a Gradle plugin that publishes Kotlin Multiplatform Xcode Framework dependencies for Swift Package Manager and CocoaPods. The 1.2.1 release fixes issues around publishing packages using CocoaPods.Read (2 min) ->
Jan 27, 2025 · Kevin SchildhornHow to create a Custom Artifact Manager for KMMBridge -Adding a Custom Artifact ManagerKMMBridge allows you to publish artifacts to some of the most popular repositories online, but what if you want to publish somewhere else? This two part post will go through how to create a custom Artifact Manager for KMMBridge that will store artifacts in Google Cloud StorageRead (5 min) ->
Jan 17, 2025 · Tadeas KrizThe Power of SKIE SubpluginsGenerate Swift code for your Kotlin Multiplatform project using SKIE subplugins.Read (17 min) ->
Dec 13, 2024 · Kevin GalliganDebugging Kotlin in Xcode with SPM BuildsVirtually all native mobile teams integrate Kotlin Multiplatform by publishing Xcode binaries, usually with SPM. This is generally easy to integrate, but prevented iOS developers from browsing or debugging Kotlin. Today we have fixed that situation.Read (4 min) ->
Dec 12, 2024 · Kevin SchildhornAdaptive Layouts in Compose MultiplatformAdaptive Layouts is a way of adapting your UI to fit different display sizes on Android, and it's now available for Compose Multiplatform.Read (8 min) ->
Dec 5, 2024 · Kevin GalliganKMMBridge 1.1.0 ReleasedKMMBridge is a Gradle plugin that publishes Kotlin Multiplatform Xcode Framework dependencies for Swift Package Manager and CocoaPods. The 1.1.0 release is a significant internal refactoring to support ongoing improvements and maintainability.Read (5 min) ->
Nov 22, 2024 · Kevin SchildhornKermit 2.0.5 updates OSLogWriter and adds file loggingThe 2.0.5 update for Kermit is out now and features various updates to OSLogWriter, as well as the ability to log to a file.Read (2 min) ->
Nov 6, 2024 · Gabriel SouzaMix Compose Multiplatform with native iOS UI using Compose Swift BridgeCompose Multiplatform has a critical unique feature. On iOS, you can mix Compose UI with native iOS UI. This is all enabled by the direct interop of Kotlin Multiplatform. That capability is amazing for mobile development. However, the actual process of wiring these two requires a fair bit of boilerplate. We've launch Compose Swift Bridge to automate that.Read (2 min) ->
Oct 11, 2024 · Kevin GalliganWhy You Should Build Mobile Apps With ComposeIf you are building a mobile product, you are probably considering React Native, Flutter, or some flavor of HTML. Maybe you’re even considering fully native apps. If so, you should learn about Compose Multiplatform. Compose provides full cross-platform efficiency, and can be as native as you need, minus the risk.Read (5 min) ->