· 1 min read Posted by Jeff Namnum

We've just started work on ResearchStack: extending the functionality of Apple's ResearchKit (TM) to Android

One of the best things about our jobs here at touchlab is that we get to work on some pretty cool projects with some really remarkable people.
This past week, we officially kicked off work on ResearchStack, an open source project that will extend research functionalities currently found in Apple’s ResearchKit(™) to Android, significantly expanding the number of people who can participate in medical research studies.

Holy crap.

We’re working with some amazing partners: Cornell Tech and Open mHealth with initial funding provided by the awesome Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

The work to come is exciting and we’re proud to have the opportunity to work on something that can benefit so many people. In Kevin’s words, “It’s pretty rare that you get to do what you love and have such a potential for positive impact on people’s lives.”

That’s it for now, we’ll have lots to share as this progresses and it’ll be great to collaborate with the Android & ResearchKit(™) developer communities when things are ready. In the meantime, please check out the project and consider joining the forum to get updates (when we start to have them).

UPDATE: The project’s just been written up in New York Times’ Bits. Thank you Steve Lohr.