· 2 min read Posted by olin
End of year highlights: NY Android Developers Meetup

Here at touchlab, we’re always thankful for a number of things; our NYC Android community will always be one of them. Here are a few meetup highlights from the second half of 2015. (and we didn’t even get to our annual holiday drinks yet!)
- Our meetup has grown to 3,100+ members and has an expected turnout of 75-100+ developers at every meetup – whoa!
Kevin greets our meetup group at Google.
- We had a meetup at Facebook NY HQ for the first time. Thanks to Ciara for coordinating!
Facebook NY HQ
- Many of our meetup members came out for Droidcon NYC 2015. A big thank you from the Droidcon NYC team!
- Liam Spradlin announced Project Phoebe at our last meetup, a new design methodology where interfaces evolve according to a user’s reality.
Potential starter states.
5) We returned to The American Express Company for our November meetup, and are excited for our meetups together in 2016. Thanks to David for hosting.
Thank you, American Express!
- Community members demo’ed various projects, including Presto.watch, Testfire and Sympli.io.
Demo of Sympli.io interface
7) Jun Group hosted our December meetup, right near Rockefeller Center! Plenty of holiday cheer, thought-provoking talks and questions for our speakers.
We’re thankful for energetic meetup members who bring experience and inquisitive questions, hosts who go above and beyond their (already crazy) workloads to coordinate with us, and sponsors who make our monthly meetups possible.
Here’s to 2016!
– the touchlab team