· 2 min read Posted by olin
Nov. Meetup: Testable Android Architecture, and Mobile Platform Independent Architecture

We don’t usually throw Android squeeze dolls into the crowd to start the night… but after few years of running this meetup, it’s okay to change things up 😉 For November (sponsored by American Express) we headed to Oscar Health‘s SoHo office. May we take a moment to appreciate the bountiful pizza that Yang ordered. Oscar may have taken the prize for best pizza so far…
Spicy pepperoni pizza from Prince Pizza.
Before the talks, Kevin and I held a Twitter contest to give away an event passport to AnDevCon! Many of you retweeted this selfie, and our Twitter now has over 600 followers. The lucky winner was JP – we hope you have a great time. Nelmer also came up on stage and announced the first Droidcon of Latin America: Droidcon Dominican Republic! They’re looking for speakers, so apply to speak if you love to give talks (and lay on beaches).
Chuck Greb returned to our meetup stage with a part two to his Droidcon NYC Talk, “Testable Android Architecture.” Watch his talk here. The slides are unfortunately not included in the video, but you can follow along with Chuck’s slides on Speaker Deck. Chuck’s number one tip? “Clean architecture concepts can make your app more readable, maintainable, and testable.”
Dan Leonardis gave a high-level talk on architecting a mobile app for both Android and iOS, and showed code from the NHL application, launched in February 2016. Watch his talk here, and follow his slides on Speaker Deck. His top tip for the group is, “Have a conversation with people and clearly know what it is you are building. Then you can develop a clean independent architecture.”
We hope everyone enjoyed the meetup. A hundred people came out and we’re more grateful every month for such a supportive group. See you in December for holiday drinks, if we can find a sponsor and make it happen! Get in touch with Olivia if you know anyone who may want to sponsor 🙂