· 2 min read Posted by olin
Recap: Road to Droidcon meetup at Squarespace

The view from Squarespace.
It’s the week before Droidcon NYC! As you can imagine, things are pretty busy here at touchlab. The team got to relax at Squarespace last Thursday though, along with 100+ meetup members who came out for Droidcon preview talks and sunset views over the Hudson.
Kevin and Ed Bridges kicked off the night, giving quick welcomes and intro-ing our speakers.
TL;DR version: the entire meetup recording is posted here, click ahead to skip to a specific talk.
Kevin talked about doppl, the Android-centric Cross Platform that’s been his obsession the last few months. If you want to hear more about his project and see some actual code, check out his talk Thursday at Droidcon!
Nitya Narasimhan, NY GDG.
Lisa Wray, Genius.
Eric Leong, Tumblr.
Ed Bridges gives the sponsor welcome on behalf of Squarespace.
Nitya, the co-organizer of the NY Google Developers Group, gave her inaugural talk at our meetup! She quickly ran through the basics of Firebase, and how analytics can help apps stand out and developers make some money.
Lisa walked the group through Radical RecyclerViews, and how to customize (almost) everything.
Eric talked about scroll performance. He showed us a few ways to dig through data and find out how we can improve scroll performance. His #1 tip is: “For better scroll performance, do less work more often.” Check out his slides here: http://ericleong.me/talks/scroll-performance and his repo here: https://github.com/ericleong/slickr
After the talks, we hung out at Squarespace’s amazing office for a little while longer. The afterparty took place at Houston Hall, so here is a photo of meetup organizer Kevin Galligan standing at his own table, enjoying a beer 😛
See you all next month at Facebook!