Compose Native App Development
Reduce your upfront risks and build faster.
Compose Multiplatform is changing the mobile industry. Cross-platform efficiency, as much of a native user experience as you need, and safer than other options. Touchlab is one of the industry pioneers, building production-scale, next-gen mobile products with Compose Multiplatform technology.
Talk to an expert at Touchlab today.
Compose Multiplatform should be your first option.


  • Kotlin and Compose are the primary technologies for Android. No foreign 3rd party platform.
  • Excellent 1st-party tooling. Mature, vibrant developer community, libraries, and support.
  • Compose and KMP are designed for native integration. They are seamlessly paired.

No Risk

  • Other 'cross-platform' tools ignore risk. If you're not happy with the result, it's a rewrite.
  • Compose Multiplatform removes risk. Your iOS app can be as native as you need. Selectively add native screens on top of shared KMP architecture.
  • Android with Compose and KMP is simply 'native'. If you were building strictly for Android, Kotlin and Compose would be your technology stack.

All Reward

  • Compose on iOS has excellent performance, but your iOS users can have an almost entirely native experience by refacing a few core screens. As native as you need.
  • Kotlin and WebAssembly (Wasm) have hit prime time. Your 'apps' can run on the web.
  • Not just mobile and web. Desktop, server, JVM or bare metal. Linux, Mac, or Windows. Real, professional multiplatform technology.