Touchlab Open Source
Open Source Projects
Kotlin Multiplatform logging library. Composable loggers with platform-specific implementations.
Gradle tooling that facilitates publishing and consuming pre-built Kotlin/Native Xcode Framework binaries. Generally for teams integrating Kotlin to existing apps.
Kotlin source code styling and debugging from within Xcode.
SQLiter is a SQLite driver for Kotlin Native, currently Apple and Windows variants. SQLiter powers the SQLDelight library on native clients.
Stately is a state utility library to facilitate state management in Kotlin Multiplatform. It was originally written to facilitate development with the strict Kotlin/Native memory model.
Kotlin Sample Projects
KaMP Kit by Touchlab. A collection of code & tools designed to get your mobile team started quickly w/Kotlin Multiplatform
Mobile app used by the major Droidcon conferences. This is both Android and iOS. On iOS, the app has both Compose UI and Swift UI, so you can toggle between them and compare.