· 2 min read Posted by Tanya Karsou

Project Phoebe - starting the discussion on Mutative Design

Our lead designer Liam Spradlin has just released Project Phoebe, a first exploration of a design methodology that seeks to solve the problem of designing for averages by allowing interfaces and experiences to be born, live, and evolve according to the user’s realities.
The term he’s coined for this new methodology is Mutative Design. We’re super proud of Liam as he pushes boundaries and continues to be a leader in his field. Below we’ve reposted an excerpt from his medium post. Check out the whole thing at hello.phoebe.xyz.

If you’re in NYC on Wednesday 12/9/15, you can see him present the idea live at the NY Android Developers Meetup.

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Meet Project Phoebe: A moonshot concept for mutative design

Phoebe is something that I’ve been working on for a long time now, and I’m excited that I can finally share it with the world.

Phoebe is the first step toward mutative design, a new theoretical design methodology that aims to solve the problem of designing for averages and create interfaces that are born, live, and evolve with the user’s realities.

When this methodology is sufficiently matured, it would account for_all_ users, regardless of age, tech exposure, physical ability, vision, etc.

This initial step doesn’t answer every question – I would consider Phoebe (for now) kind of like a “moonshot” idea. If completed, it would represent a 10x improvement in how interfaces are created and used, but it may not be feasible to build a system capable of this in the immediate future.

Read more about Phoebe here, see the design source here, and keep the conversation going here 🙂