· 2 min read Posted by olin
May 2017 Meetup: Advanced RxJava & Conductor

I’d like to think that our meetup group always has a great turnout because the people are cool – and not just because there’s usually pizza and beer 😉 I first met Dallas Gutauckis when he attended our meetup after moving to NYC a while ago. It was the first time I heard about SeatGeek and the cool stuff they were doing in the event ticketing space. It’s no surprise that Dallas went on to speak at the first Droidcon NYC about Android animations. When he reached out about hosting a meetup at SeatGeek, how could we say no?
Sandwiches, foxy pillows, balloons, and snazzy lounge chairs greeted 150 meetup members when they disembarked from the elevator. After the usual drinks and chit chat, we buckled down to learn about advanced RxJava and Conductor.
Stephen gave us an advanced look at RxJava usage, going through lifecycle management, retries, error handling and more. He suggests, “Read the source code for Retrofit’s RxJava adapter. Understand what it’s trying to do while converting the Call object into an Observable. Take that information and apply it to how you interact with your REST adapters.”
Watch his talk below at the 3:37 mark.
– Slides: https://speakerdeck.com/sddamico/advanced-networking-with-rxjava-plus-retrofit
Yousuf talked about Conductors and its uses as compared to Fragments and their pain points. He showed us how Conductor brings “view-like simplicity with fragment-like flexibility.”
For those wanting to check Conductor out, Yousuf’s advises: “Check out the demo app, there are tons and tons of great examples, and it’s probably the best way to learn Conductor. Also check the source code for Conductor, super simple to parse and understand. Try taking a fragment and turning it into a controller instead. Easiest way to see how you would use it.”
– Slides: https://speakerdeck.com/yousufhaque/conductor-a-fragments-alternative
– Library: https://github.com/bluelinelabs/Conductor
– Demo app: https://github.com/bluelinelabs/Conductor/tree/develop/demo
Watch both talks below, many thanks to SeatGeek for recording the audio and slides!
See you next month at Button!