Dec 14, 2023Resource Sharing in Compose MultiplatformJetBrains just shared a development roadmap for 2024 detailing their focus for 2024. One item stands out above the rest: a common API for resources.Read (2 min) ->
Dec 8, 2023 · Gustavo Fão ValvassoriExploring Compose WebCompose for HTML has different components than Compose for SKIA. In this article, we will explore and learn how to configure a few of them.Read (6 min) ->
Dec 7, 2023 · Gustavo Fão ValvassoriAmper: a new way to configure Gradle projects?If you ask any KMP developer what's the biggest pain point on it, they will probably say "configuration". Amper is a new tool developed by JetBrains to help developers configure projects without all the complexity of Gradle.Read (4 min) ->
Dec 5, 2023 · Touchlab EngineeringWebinar Recap: iOS Development with Kotlin Multiplatform - Tips, Tricks, and Team Triumphs!In this webinar, Touchlab's own Tadeas Kriz and JetBrains' Pamela Hill guided us through iOS development with Kotlin Multiplatform. They explored the current state of Swift/Kotlin interop and highlighted tools and resources that may make your journey easier.Read (5 min) ->
Dec 1, 2023 · Gustavo Fão ValvassoriGetting Started with Compose for WebCompose multiplatform is a promising alternative for building cross-platform UIs. In this article, we'll see how to get started with Compose for Web using the HTML version.Read (4 min) ->
Nov 8, 2023 · Paul HawkeThe many faces of KermitExploring how the flexible API of Kermit allows us to integrate with other platform logging frameworks.Read (4 min) ->
Nov 1, 2023 · Touchlab EngineeringKotlin Multiplatform is StableAfter several years of hard work by the JetBrains team, Kotlin Multiplatform reaches stable with the 1.9.20 release. This is a critical milestone for the platform and ecosystem.Read (6 min) ->
Oct 26, 2023 · Touchlab EngineeringXcode Kotlin Plugin Fixed for Xcode 15!The Xcode Kotlin plugin from Touchlab allows you to browse and debug Kotlin code from within Xcode. Xcode 15 has a bug that would cause it to crash with any language support plugin. This new release provides a workaround.Read (3 min) ->
Oct 20, 2023 · Jigar BrahmbhattKermit Now Supports WASMKMP is getting real WASM support, and Touchlab has been diving in. This post will discuss Touchlab’s experience with WASM, WASM in Kermit, and show an example of using WASM in an existing codebase.Read (5 min) ->
Oct 18, 2023 · Jigar BrahmbhattLogger.i() Not Your Style? Customize Kermit Logger!Discover the simplicity of custom logging with Kermit. This article shows you how to personalize Kermit Logger, making your Kotlin Multiplatform logging experience uniquely yoursRead (2 min) ->