KMMBridgeartifactsCustom Artifact Manager

Custom Artifact Manager

Publishing a Kotlin Xcode dependency requires a place to host the binary. Assuming you need an alternative storage location than one supported by the default implementations, you can implement one yourself.

Create a new implementations of the ArtifactManager interface.

There are two methods to implement:


fun configure(
        project: Project,
        version: String,
        uploadTask: TaskProvider<Task>,
        kmmPublishTask: TaskProvider<Task>

KMMBridge calls this method during Gradle configuration. project is the Gradle project. version is the version defined by Gradle. The task arguments should be used to establish Gradle dependencies with whatever tasks you might register.

To support Gradle configuration cache, be careful to follow the rules with any tasks you create.


fun deployArtifact(task: Task, zipFilePath: File, version: String): String

This method should physically send the zip file found at zipFilePath to your storage location. The return value is the URL at which the file can be accessed. Authentication that may be needed by clients to access this URL is configured externally.

The task parameter is the KMMBridge task that calls this method. It is generally used for things like Gradle logging.

deployArtifact is called from an executing Gradle task. To support Gradle configuration cache, again, follow the rules.