KMMBridgeciGradle Tasks

Gradle Tasks

KMMBridge features gradle tasks to publish and release your frameworks in CI.

With the exception of spmDevBuild these gradle tasks are meant to be called in CI.



./gradlew spmDevBuild -PspmBuildTargets=ios_simulator_arm64

Description: When using SPM, builds a debug version of the XCFramework and writes a local dev path to your Package.swift file. For more information see the full docs.


  • spmBuildTargets (optional ) - Which architectures you want to build. If not set then all architectures will be built

The spmDevBuild gradle task is disabled when useCustomPackageFile is true.



./gradlew kmmBridgePublish -PENABLE_PUBLISHING=true \
-PGITHUB_PUBLISH_TOKEN=${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} -PGITHUB_REPO=owner/publishrepo

Description: Publishes your framework. Uses your KMMBridge block configured in the build gradle to determine details.


  • ENABLE_PUBLISHING - Enables publishing. If this is not set then you won’t see any of the publishing-related tasks. For more information see the full docs
  • GITHUB_PUBLISH_TOKEN - A GitHub bearer token. Should be generated by GitHub during a GitHub action, or a PAT can be passed locally.
  • GITHUB_REPO - The GitHub repo where the framework or Package.swift is published, depending on config. Should be in format of “OWNER/PUBLISH_REPO”
  • GITHUB_ARTIFACT_RELEASE_ID (optional ) - The unique identifier of the release. If not set then it will try to update or create a release based on the version from the project (either passed into the gitHubReleaseArtifacts call or from the projects version). See GitHub Docs for more info.
  • NATIVE_BUILD_TYPE (optional ) - The build type. Can be DEBUG or RELEASE
  • —no-configuration-cache (optional ) - Skips publishing-related configuration. For more information see the full docs

We recommend adding --no-daemon as well.



./gradlew setupDeployKeys --no-configuration-cache \
  -PgithubDeploySourceRepo=YOUR_ORG/YOUR_KMP_REPO \

Description: Creates an ssh public/private key pair on your local machine. Then it adds the public key to your target repo’s deploy keys, and the private key to the source repos action secrets (named KMMBRIDGE_SSH_KEY).


  • githubDeploySourceRepo - your KMP source repo. Should be in format of “OWNER/PUBLISH_REPO”
  • githubDeployTargetRepo - your Podspec deployment repo. Should be in format of “OWNER/PUBLISH_REPO”

These parameters can either be passed in directly to the call or added to your file:


If you get the error

Task 'setupDeployKeys' not found in root project 'YOUR_PROJECT' and its subprojects.

this means that these properties were not set up correctly.

To use this gradle task you’ll have to install GitHub CLI and make sure you are authenticated with GitHub.