Jul 31, 2024 · Gustavo Fão ValvassoriCompose Multiplatform + Lottie AnimationsLottie and Bodymovin provide amazing animations that you can now use in your Compose Multiplatform projects.Read (3 min) ->
Apr 25, 2024 · Gustavo Fão ValvassoriJetpack Compose for iOS: Interoping with native ComponentsOne of the best features of Compose is its interoperability. With Compose iOS, you can interop with both UIKit and Swift UI.Read (7 min) ->
Apr 5, 2024 · Gustavo Fão ValvassoriJetpack Compose to Compose Multiplatform: Transition GuideAs an Android developer, you probably already use Jetpack Compose to build UI. But did you know that with a few changes you can also build your application for other platforms, such as iOS, macOS, and the Web?Read (4 min) ->