Value Animator

API that provides you the same functionality from non-compose ValueAnimator, but using compose APIs.

This lib aims to provide a way to animate a value with multiple “checkpoints” between the start and end.


The usage is pretty similar to the default Compose Animations. This library contains the following functions:

  • animateFloatValuesAsState
  • animateIntValuesAsState
  • animateDpValuesAsState
  • animateSizeValuesAsState
  • animateOffsetValuesAsState
  • animateRectValuesAsState
  • animateIntOffsetValuesAsState
  • animateIntSizeValuesAsState
  • animateColorValuesAsState

The usage is the same for all of them. The example below will be using the Float type, but you can replace it with any other available.

val ballScale = animateFloatValuesAsState(
    1f, 0.75f, 1f, 0.5f, 1f, // passing values as varargs
    animationSpec = infiniteRepeatable(
        animation = tween(durationMillis = 1000),

// or

val ballScale = animateFloatValuesAsState(
    values = arrayOf(1f, 0.75f, 1f, 0.5f, 1f), // passing values as array
    animationSpec = infiniteRepeatable(
        animation = tween(durationMillis = 1000),

Using custom types

If you have a custom type that you want to perform this same animation, you can use the animateValuesAsState function. It has the same syntax as the ones listed above, but you need to provide one instance of ValueAtFraction<T> to convert the progress to one value from the instance.

Here is the implementation used for the Float version that you can use as an example.

val floatAtFraction = ValueAtFraction<Float> { fraction, initialValue, finalValue ->
    initialValue + (finalValue - initialValue) * fraction

With this instance, you can now use the animateValuesAsState.

fun animateFloatValuesAsState(
    vararg values: Float,
    startDelay: Long = 0,
    animationSpec: AnimationSpec<Float> = spring(),
): State<Float> = animateValuesAsState(
    values = values.toTypedArray(),
    getValueAtFraction = floatAtFraction,
    startDelay = startDelay,
    animationSpec = animationSpec,
