· 2 min read Posted by Kevin Galligan

Part 2: Android Setup

GitPortal for KMP - Bidirectional

We have our repos set up. Let's add the KMP code to the Android app

In Part 1 we created the tutorial repos, and connected CI to be able to communicate between them. In this post, we’ll configure the Android app to use the KMP code.

Configure the KMP code for Android

Open the Android app in Intellij IDEA or Android Studio. Once loaded, you’ll need to add the KMP modules to your project.


Open settings.gradle.kts and include the modules breeds and analytics. The code to do so is in settings.gradle.kts already, just commented out.




dependencyResolutionManagement {
    versionCatalogs {
        create("kmpLibs") {

include(":app", ":breeds", ":analytics")
project(":breeds").projectDir = File("library/breeds")
project(":analytics").projectDir = File("library/analytics")

We’ve done a couple of things here.

First, we’ve added the Gradle version catalog from the library project. This allows us to configure the KMP modules with centralized versions and dependency coordinates.

Second, we added two KMP modules: analytics and breeds. They’re like any other Gradle module that you’d add to a Gradle project, with the projectDir for each pointing to folders inside library.


Now open app/build.gradle.kts. Add breeds and analytics as project dependencies. You’ll find them at the bottom of the file:

dependencies {
    // Add these

You can now sync the Gradle project, and your Android code should be able to access your KMP code! Select a device or simulator and run the project.

Next - Part 3: iOS Setup