KMMBridgecocoapodsUsing CocoaPods

CocoaPods Status

KMMBridge supports CocoaPods. However, we rarely use it, and we get few requests these days from clients or open-source users related to it. In addition, the official CocoaPods project is in maintenance mode, and appears to be slowly winding down.

As a result, the bulk of our focus and documentation is with Swift Package Manager (SPM). If you run into CocoaPods-related issues, please reach out.

You’ll need an Xcode project with CocoaPods set up. That means you’ll have a Podfile that you can edit with the necessary code to integrate your Kotlin module.

Artifact Authentication

For artifacts that are kept in private storage, you may need to add authentication information to your ~/.netrc file or your Mac’s Keychain Access. See Xcode and Binary File Authentication for a description of how to set up private file access.

Note: If you are using GitHub Packages to store your files, even if the repo is public, users will still need to add auth info to access the binary file.

Add Podspec Repo

In your Podfile, add the module and the source. An example Podfile might look like this:

platform :ios, '13'

source ''

target 'KMMBridgeSampleCocoaPods' do
  pod 'shared', '0.2.1'

Then, to initialize CocoaPods, run:

pod install

As you publish new versions of the library, you will need to update the local podspec repo copy. Either run:

pod repo update

Or update the podspec when you’re updating your CocoaPods project:

pod install --repo-update
# Or...
pod update --repo-update

Assuming that all worked, you should be able to open the project and build it.

If you are using a private podspec repo, your setup should work if you’ve added the authentication above. If the files can’t be synced, make sure to double-check the auth setup.

For the Android devs…

After you run pod install, CocoaPods generates an xcworkspace file. There is usually both an xcodeproj and an xcworkspace, and Xcode can open either. Make sure you open the xcworkspace file!!! The project will not build otherwise.

Local Kotlin Dev

If you are editing Kotlin, you will probably want to test it locally. To do that, see CocoaPods Local Dev Flow.